Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Goliath: facing worry

Goliath: facing worry by ric gustafson

The word Worry in the bible means to take thought or to be careful. When someone worries, the person's mind is torn and divided. The person fights between the real and the possible the immediate and the potential.
Jesus in Matthew 6 talks about not worrying as part of his Sermon on the Mount. First, Jesus reveals that worrying is inconsistent. Jesus says why would I be careless about little things when it was I who created you. Jesus reveals that worrying is irrational. He explains that we are more valuable to him than sparrows. He reveals that worrying is ineffective. He explains that worrying will not add one cubit to our life. Lastly, he says that worrying is illogical. He went to the cross and died for us so we can be his so worrying he says is useless and illogical.
So how do we fight this giant called worry?. First, we need a system of priorities. We need to ask ourselves what is most important to our heart?. Second, we need a strategy to weed out our worrying. We should not dwell on yesterday's mistakes. Lastly, we need to think about tomorrow and not yesterday or last year.

research help: ' Slaying The Giants In Your Life' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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