Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lent 2014 day 4

Lent 2014 day 4 by ric gustafson

Luke 5:8- ' When Simon Peter saw the catch, he fell at Jesus's knees and said " leave me Lord for I'm a sinner".

How would you act if you were face to face with Jesus?. Would you be joyful, shy even humbled. When Jesus looked into Peter's face, he saw fear. Peter saw how his entire life would change. Peter did not know that following Jesus would lead him to head the fledgling Christian church. Peter being a simple fisherman would eventually follow Paul throughout Asia.
Jesus saw fear in Peter's eyes and he asked him to leave. Peter knew that his life would completely turn upside down. Jesus provides, forgives, heals and asks us to follow him.
This Lenten season, I pray for the courage for my life to be transformed.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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