Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lent 2014 day 2

Lent 2014 day 2 by ric gustafson

Mark 1:11- ' And there was a voice from heaven ' You are my Son whom I dearly love, in you I find happiness'.

There are times in our lives when we leave an identity behind. We graduate, get married and retire. When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, he obtained a new identity. Now, he was to begin his new ministry. This active ministry will lead to a cross and the salvation of the entire human race. As his Father watched from above, Jesus accepted his role. Both knew what this would entail. Jesus would be rejected but the church would be born.
Jesus accepting this ministry would change the world forever one heart at a time. As the Holy Spirit descended on him as a dove, God blessed him from above. Heaven was rejoicing.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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