Friday, March 21, 2014

Goliath: facing discouragement

Goliath: facing discouragement by ric gustafson

The word discourage means to deprive of courage to hinder and to dishearten. The story of Nehemiah is a good example of discouragement at work. First of all, Nehemiah recognized his discouragement. He was fatigued from fifty two days of labor. Second, he knew he was frustrated. He had to deal with massive amounts of rubble and he was beginning to experience burnout. Third, he was beginning to think about failure. Negative talk was affecting him and the people. Fourth, fear was creeping in. Fear encourages discouragement.
How do we respond to discouragement?. First, we need to cry out to God. We need to go to Jesus first and ask for his help. Second, we need to continue what work God gave us to do. Nehemiah did not quit rebuilding the walls. Third, we need to concentrate on the big picture. We need to be open to others and God. Fourth, we need to be encouraged by God's promises. We need to study God's Word for power and hope. Lastly, we need to carry someone else's burden. We need to concentrate on helping others.

research help: ' Slaying The Giants In Your Life' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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