Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Moses page 20

Moses page 20 by ric gustafson

The throne chair approached the river. This morning Pharaoh was in a good mood. He enjoyed coming down to the river to praise RA the God of the Sun. As they reached the river's edge, a voice startled him.
" The God of the Hebrews has sent me to tell you to let my people go".
He looked at Moses with disgust in his eyes.
" I will strike the water of this river and it will be changed to blood".
Pharaoh sneered. " Your God cannot do that".
Moses looked at Aaron. " Take the staff and stretch out your hand over the water".
Aaron lifted the staff and brought it down on the water. Ripples began to appear and fish began to thrash around. The water became bright red and fish jumped out onto the bank swollen and bloated. A horrible odor rose from the river.
Pharaoh put his hands over his eyes in horror. " Take me away from here".
For seven days, he was perplexed and could not sleep. ' Should I let the slaves go' he wondered as he endlessly paced back and forth in his chamber. Later, he decided what to do. He screamed as he pointed a finger at the sky " I will not give in". " I will not be defeated by their God".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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