Sunday, May 8, 2011

the return to Hoot Owl page 1

the return to Hoot Owl page 1 by ric gustafson.

Alice Huntley squinted in the darkness as she slowly flicked wet leaves of the small city entrance sign. " Hoot Owl" she said to her husband as she flicked more leaves off of it. She showed confusion on her face as she noticed a 0 next to the population of the town.
" I don't even see Hoot Owl on the map" Alfie Huntley replied in frustration as he studied a map.
" We wouldn' t be lost" she said as she got back into the brown SUV. " If you hadn't tried this alternate route to Oklahoma City".
" I only tried this highway to see if it would save us some time because of all the I 40 construction work".
" Well it didn't" she replied with a hurtful stare. " Now what are we going to do?".
" Let's find a motel and then in the morning drive to Oklahoma City".
" Ok" she replied with a big yawn. " I'm tired too".
He started driving down Main Street and noticed their were no other cars on the street.

Everyone have a great Sunday. Love Ric.

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