Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 27,376 page 3

Day 27,376 page 3 by ric gustafson.

Rico put a ham and cheese sandwich on his plastic plate along with some potato salad and chips. " Great party Grandpa". He sat down next to his grandfather. David was eating a piece of his birthday cake when he noticed the man of his age filling a plate of nuts, mints and fresh fruit. He noticed that the man wore a ballcap that said ' Heaven' on it. David saw the stranger put his plate down and walk toward the punch bowl. He walked over.
" Nice party" the stranger said as he poured himself a cup of the punch.
" Thank you" David replied. " I don't think we've met".
" Oh! I'm sorry" he exclaimed as he shook David's hand. " My name is Pierre".
" Nice to meet you" was the reply as he stared at the stranger. " Do you live here at the retirement center?".
" No" he replied with a smile. " Actually I came to the party for a specific reason".
" And what is that?".
" To take you home".

research help: a Janice Gilmore article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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