Sunday, May 8, 2011

his name is John page 6

his name is John page 6 by ric gustafson.

" Ahura, it is time for me to leave".
" I know my son". The chieftain of the village knew that boys John's age left the village to become men.
The village held a celebration for John and Par'am. The people of the village prayed for the two and then said farewell.
They traveled into the desert and stayed clear of towns and cities. The journey ended at the northwestern point of the Jordan. They approached a gate of a village that had been built into a hillside.
A man wearing a white tunic opened the gate for John. Par'am stayed outside.
One of the men walked up. " What is your name?".
" Yahya-Yuhana".
The Essenes at Qumram called him Yohannan which is Hebrew for John.

research help: ' John the Baptizer' by Brooks Hansen.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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