Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a man of gratitude page 1

a man of gratitude page 1 by ric gustafson.

Jesus's feet hurt as he walked through the small village. He was on his way to Jerusalem and he had been walking for several hours.
" Unclean" yelled a voice from a distance.
Jesus kept walking closer and saw a group of ten lepers standing in a group.
" Unclean" yelled one of the lepers as people from the village kept their distance and quickly walked by.
One of the lepers recognized Jesus and whispered something to the others. All ten yelled in unison " Jesus, Master have mercy on us".
Jesus felt compassion for them. " Go and show yourselves to the priests".
The ten walked off and as they walked, they were cleansed.
Jesus walked toward the end of the village. He heard a noise and turned around. One of the cleansed, a Samaritan fell on his face at his feet.
" Thank you, Thank you" he sobbed as tears fell down his healed face. " Praise God".
Jesus looked at him with much love in his eyes. " Were not ten cleansed but the nine where are they?".
" Was no one found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner" he said as he noticed that this Samaritan was the only one to return. " Stand up and go, your faith has made you well".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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