Sunday, May 29, 2011

the punch line page 2

the punch line page 2 by ric gustafson. free write story 1

" What's in your hand?" asked the girl as she sat down next to me.
" My bible" was my reply as I finished eating the coconut cookie that I had.
" I don't read the bible" she replied as she drank from her punch glass. " My family is not religious".
" I'm Jackson Grant and I'm a Junior".
" I'm Doreen McCoy and I'm also a Junior".
I thought for a moment. " If you are interested in the bible, Psalms is a good place to start".
" Thank you Jackson" she replied as she stood up and then threw away her now empty cup and napkin. " I will think about that".
" I hope we will run into each other next year" I said as I drank the rest of my punch.
" I hope so too" was her reply as she smiled at me and then walked off into the crowd.
I grinned as I went back to reading my bible and listening to the jazz band.

The End.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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