Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 27,376 page 4

Day 27,376 page 4 by ric gustafson.

" What!" David exclaimed as he dropped his plate of birthday cake.
" It's Day 27,376" Pierre said quietly as he pulled a piece of paper from his back pant pocket. " Your name is number 1 on my list to go home today".
" I can't go now" he said as he noticed his grandson was enjoying his dessert and the party. " It's my birthday today".
" Sorry David" he said as he handed him the piece of paper.
David studied it and noticed his name at the top.
" I have my orders".
" I wasn't expecting it on the day of my birthday".
" As a christian, you knew this day was coming" he said as he sampled the birthday cake.
" I know, I just wasn't expecting it today".
" Nobody knows what day that will be" he replied as he noticed his daughter sitting down to enjoy a piece of cake. " Did you want to say goodbye to your family before we go?".
David shook his head yes. He got up and walked over to his daughter Colleen. He sat down next to her and pointed toward Pierre. As he whispered into her ear, she began to cry.
He got up and walked back over to Pierre. " I'm ready to go".
Pierre and David walked out the side door and then they went home.

The End.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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