Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clue 2011 page 2

Clue 2011 page 2 by ric gustafson.
" Of course" I replied nervously as she pulled a pink cigarette case out of her handbag. She took one out and held it. I opened my desk drawer and found the lighter that I used when I smoked. I lighted it as she leaned back into the wooden chair. " Now how can I help you Miss?".
" Johnson" she replied in a husky voice as I heard the cold December wind whistle outside. " Marilyn Johnson".
" How can I help you Miss Johnson?".
" Mr Snelling, do you believe there is hope in this world?".
" Being a christian, yes I do believe there is hope in this world".
" I respect that" she said as she snuffed out the cigarette into an ashtray. " I'm sorry to say that I do not feel that way".
" How can I help you Miss Johnson ?".
" Mr Snelling, my late husband was also a nonbeliever and in his will instructed me to give part of his estate to a charity of my choice".
" That was honorable of him".
" So Mr Snelling".
" Mortimer, actually everyone calls me Mort".
" Well Mort, it's very simple".
" And what is that?".
" Find me a helpful charity and I will make it and you very rich".
Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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