Tuesday, May 17, 2011

scrambled eggs to go

scrambled eggs to go by ric gustafson.

I walked into the cafeteria and looked at the big round clock on the wall. It said 9:15. I knew I had fifteen minutes to eat something for breakfast. I quickly walked up to the serving line.
" Scrambled eggs to go" the food service cook said in a loud voice.
" How did you know what I wanted" I replied with a strange look.
" You always get the same thing" he said with a smile as he handed me the styrofoam container.
I shook my head and walked over to the cashier.
" Scrambled eggs to go" the cashier said with a laugh as she stared at my container.
" How do you know what's in there?".
" You always get the same thing".
I paid for my eggs and then sat down. As I ate in silence, I began to ponder some things. Is my life so predictable that everyone knows what I'm going to do next. And what about my spiritual life, is it predictable and a routine also?. Would I be willing to sit in a different pew and greet new people?.
My fifteen minutes was up so I put my tray on the belt and began to walk back toward the office.
I decided in my personal and spiritual life, to try new things and talk to new people. I will talk to God more and study the bible more.
The next time I have breakfast at work, I'm going to have pancakes and bacon.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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