Friday, May 13, 2011

our daily bread store page 2

our daily bread store page 2 by ric gustafson.

One Saturday afternoon with business slow, Fran snuck out of the store and walked across the highway. She walked behind a tree and observed Wilma's store. She noticed customers coming out with smiles on their faces but hardly carrying out any actual bread.
After a couple of hours of watching this, Fran walked out from behind the tree and stopped a customer. " This is a bread store yet customers are hardly carrying out actual bread".
The customer smiled. " Why don't you go in and check it out yourself".
Fran walked in and was amazed at what she saw. Only a few racks in a corner actually had any bread on them.
Wilma walked out of a back room carrying a black bible. She was surprised to see Fran.
" Wilma, if this is a bread store how come you sell hardly any bread".
Wilma opened her bible to the Lord's Prayer. " Part of the Lord's Prayer is give us this day our daily bread".
" So?".
" Daily bread includes our daily physical bread but so much more".
" Like what?".
" Our spiritual and general well being".
" Ok".
Wilma gave Fran a loaf of wheat bread and a bible. After she left, Wilma prayed thanks that Fran had come to Our Daily Bread Store".

The End.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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