Friday, May 6, 2011

Hoot Owl page 1

Hoot Owl page 1 by ric gustafson.

I pulled up to the sign at the edge of town. It said ' Hoot Owl". I was driving on Interstate 40 toward Oklahoma City when I saw they were diverting traffic unto an unknown highway. The farther I drove, it occured to me that I was getting lost. I kept driving down this strange highway and drove up in front of this city entrance sign.
I noticed that my car's gas tank was nearly empty, so I drove a short distance down the main street to the nearest service station.
" Can I help you?" asked a young man who was wearing white coveralls. They were not dirty.
" Fill it up" I said as I noticed I was the only one getting gas. As I paid for the full tank, I asked the young man if he knew of a good place to eat.
" There's Mama's Diner just down the street".
As I drove toward the diner, I noticed that there were no other cars on the road. I walked into the small diner and sat down in one of the booths.
A young man, wearing a spotless white shirt and white apron, walked over. " May I help you?".
" Yes, I'm starving" I said as I looked at the menu he had just handed me. " I'll have a turkey sandwich and chips". He walked away and I noticed that I was the only patron in the diner. He came back and poured some water into my glass.
A little while later, he brought my dinner.
" Kinda quiet around here" I said as I noticed that I was still the only customer in the diner.
" It sure is".
As I finished my sandwich, I yawned and then checked my watch.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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