Sunday, May 22, 2011

Exit 41 page 1

Exit 41 page 1 by ric gustafson.
Shadrach watched as the seconds ticked down on the TV. He bit into a frito scoop as he watched the winning team start to celebrate on the field. " My Super Bowl team lost again".
" My team won" Meshach exclaimed as he sipped from a bottle of Sunkist orange. " Abednego, what are you doing?".
" Somebody texted us" The young man said as he stared at his cell phone. He smiled as he read the text. " Do you remember our friend Mesa?".
" Sure, he lives in California" Shadrach replied as he stood up and started to clean up the snack table.
" He's getting married and is inviting us to the wedding".
" California would be fun" Meshach said as he finished the orange pop. " We could see the Grand Canyon and then drive through the desert".
" Ok" Abednego said as he began to reply to the text. " I'll text him and tell him that we will be coming".
Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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