Saturday, May 7, 2011

his name is John page 5

his name is John page 5 by ric gustafson.

Par'am held the small hand of the child as they walked up to the entrance of the dwelling. John's protector knew about the small village on the far side of the Jordan. The two sat down in the dirt at the front entrance to wait for the chieftain and his wife to wake up. Par'am wrote something in the dirt.
Taraneh woke up, got dressed and then began to walk outside. She planned to wash their pots and jars in a nearby stream. She nearly tumbled over the two sitting in the dirt. " Ahura, come here".
The chieftain of the village walked out and saw the older man and the young child.
" I wonder what the name of the child is?" she said as she embraced the child.
Ahura noticed a name written in the dirt. " His name is Yahya-Yuhana
They took the two into their household and cared for them.
The child grew on a diet of carob beans, locusts and honey.

research help: ' John the Baptizer' by Brooks Hansen.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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