Sunday, April 28, 2024

Miracles of Messiah: water into wine

 Miracles of Messiah: water into wine by ric gustafson

Jewish weddings have 13 rituals. The last is a celebratory dance called a hora. Guests dance in a circle. The bride and groom are seated in chairs and lifted into the air. Everyone is happy. There is wine, food, Hebrew songs and joy. 
Jesus's first miracle occurred during a wedding. It was significant that Jesus's first miracle involved wine at a Jewish wedding. Jesus performed his first miracle in the month of Nisan. God's relationship with his people is symbolized spiritually and prophetically. God's marriage is to his people. God rejoices over his people as a groom rejoices over his bride. Jesus's first miracle was a sign of the coming messianic wedding.
This miracle was the start of Jesus's public ministry. The third day of the week is significant in Jewish tradition. The changing of water into wine is a sign from the book of Exodus. Jewish holidays and life events were celebrated with wine. 
Kiddush is a blessing recited over wine before meals. Wine symbolizes joy and abundance. Wine represents potential for blessing, growth and life. 
When the wine ran out, the bride's parents needed faith and trust. The parents were humiliated and embarrassed. Jesus made old wine new. 
Jesus took the ordinary and turned it into extraordinary. Why?. Because Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Signs and Secrets of the Messiah' by Rabbi Jason Sobel

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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