Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Shoah survivors: Helena Weinrauch

 Shoah survivors: Helena Weinrauch by ric gustafson

It was the morning of April 15 1945. The tired British soldiers came upon a prison camp. There they directly came upon the horrors of Nazi Germany. Tired from six years of conflict, the soldiers came upon thirteen thousand decomposing bodies on the ground. The soldiers began the long process of putting the corpses into a truck. When they came upon one female corpse, they were shocked. She was still alive. She was 19 years old, weighed 60 pounds and still alive. Her name was Helena Weinstock.
Now Helena Weinrauch is 93 years old. She loves in Manhattan close to Broadway. She still loves to dance. Sixteen members of her family died in the war on the same day. At age 87, she discovered dancing. 
Helena Weinstock who almost died at Bergen-Belsen is still dancing and remembering.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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