Friday, April 26, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 24: 1-27

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 24: 1-27 by ric gustafson

Soon Isaac was old enough to be married. Abraham sent his servant Eliezer back to his homeland. Abraham wanted Isaac to marry someone from his own family. Eliezer took ten camels and gifts. He stopped at the city of Nahor. He was thirsty. There, Eliezer prayed that the right woman would be found for Isaac. 
When Eliezer go to the well, a beautiful young woman was also there. 
Eliezer asked the woman. " Will you give me a drink?".
" Yes". She smiled. " I will water your camels also".
"What is your name?".
" I am Rebekah". Her voice hesitated. " My father is Bethuel".
" Isn't that Abraham's brother?".
" Yes". She grinned. " Come stay at our house".
" I am from Abraham's house". Eliezer gave Rebekah gold earrings and bracelets as gifts.
Eliezer thought to himself. Is this the answer to prayer?. Is this the one for Isaac?.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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