Sunday, April 28, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 25: 21-34

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 25: 21-34 by ric gustafson

Isaac and Rebekah lived in Canaan. Rebekah could not have children. Isaac prayed. God answered his prayer. Rebekah had twins. Their names were Esau and Jacob.
Esau was born first. He was to get twice as much as Jacob when their father died. This was called a birthright. 
Jacob grew up to be a quiet man. Esau grew up to be a hunter. Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob. Rebekah loved Jacob more. 
One day, Esau came in hungry and tired. It was dinner. Jacob had cooked a pot of soup.
Esau looked at his brother. " Please give me some soup".
" Will you trade your birthright for some soup?" replied Jacob.
" Why not?". Esau frowned. " I am about to die of hunger". He thought for a moment. " If I do die". He thought for a moment. " I won't need my birthright".
Esau promised Jacob his birthright.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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