Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Shoah survivors: Saul Dreier

 Shoah survivors: Saul Dreier by ric gustafson

As a young man, Saul Dreier was a prisoner at Plaszow concentration camp. He was a worker in Oskar Schindler's factory. One day, he picked up two spoons and began to drum with them on tables and chairs. After liberation, he lived at a displaced persons camp in Italy. He was physically and emotionally damaged from the war. He liked Italy from the food, the people and the language. 
In the DP camp hall was a piano and a set of drums. He began to play the drums.
When he came to the US he married a gal named Clara. 50 years later, Saul began to play the drums again. He formed a band with another survivor Ruby Sosnowicz. They called themselves the Holocaust Survivor Band. Saul is 96 now and still playing the drums.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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