Friday, April 12, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 3: 23- 4:16

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 3: 23- 4:16 by ric gustafson

Adam and Eve were banished from the garden. A flaming sword guarded the path to the Tree of Life. Eve gave birth to a boy. His name was Cain. Then Eve had a second boy. His name was Abel. 
Cain became a farmer. Abel was a shepherd. One day, Cain brought fruit to give to God. Abel also gave a gift to God. It was a lamb. God was happy with Abel's gift. God refused Cain's gift.
Cain became angry. One day, Cain killed Abel while he was walking in a field. God asked Cain. " Where is your brother?". 
" I don't know" Cain replied. " Should I care for my brother?".
" What have you done?" God replied. " Abel's blood is crying to me from the ground".
Cain looked at God. 
" You murdered Abel". God got angry. " You will always live under a curse".
Cain went away from God. He ended up in the land of Nod east of Eden.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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