Tuesday, January 31, 2023

World Nations: Albania

 World Nations: Albania by ric gustafson

In the 15th century, this area was called Illyria. It was conquered by the Romans, Slavs and Turks. Albania was proclaimed in 1912. Italy invaded this country in 1939. Enver Hoxha ruled this nation for four decades. He died in 1985. Former Communists were routed in elections in 1992. This was due to social unrest and economic collapse. Sali Berisha was elected as a non Communist president in 1996. In 2005, a pro Berisha coalition victory happened. The country became part of NATO in 2009. Socialists under Edi Rama won in April 2021. Albania has tried to join EU since July 2022.
Population of Albania is 3,095,344 [ 134]

research help: World Almanac 2023

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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