Monday, January 30, 2023

World Nations: Afghanistan

 World Nations: Afghanistan by ric gustafson

The country of Afghanistan is a favored invasion route. In ancient times, the country was called Ariana, Bactria. In the Middle Ages, the country was called Khorasan. In the 18th century, a unified kingdom was established. In 1973, a military coup ushered in a republic. In 1978, pro Soviet leftists took power in a bloody coup. In April 1988, The UN mediated an agreement. Soviet troops withdrew and the country became neutral. 
In 1996, an insurgent radical Islamist faction called the Taliban captured Kabul. In Sep 2021, the Taliban began an interim government led by Mohammad Hasan Akhund. In July of 2022, a US drone killed al - Qaeda leader al- Zawahiri in Kabul.
Afghanistan population: 38,346,720   37 in world

research help: 2023 World Almanac

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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