Monday, January 2, 2023

at the feet of Jesus: Wisdom

at the feet of Jesus: Wisdom by ric gustafson

As followers of Jesus, we want to sit at his feet. Our lack of wisdom keeps us humble. We want to be transformed. This process is called a relationship with Jesus. As we gain wisdom, our relationship with him will grow. 
Wisdom can come from personal experience. Personal experience can come from suffering and pain. Wisdom requires discipline, obedience and time. Wisdom teaches you the lesson before you make the mistake. God wants us to be wise and not foolish. 
There are two kinds of wisdom. There is earthly wisdom that brings regret and evil. Wisdom from heaven brings peace, mercy and good fruit. From God's Word, we can obtain heavenly wisdom. 
Praise Jesus's name. 

research help: ' The Divine Mentor' by Wayne Cordeiro

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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