Sunday, January 29, 2023

biblical questions: are we God's vines?

 biblical questions: are we God's vines? by ric gustafson

God has compared his people to vines. Jesus used this illustration in John 15. A vine can gain life and nourishment from God. This vine can survive and flourish. A vine can also wither and die according to Ezekiel 17. This vine can be uprooted and wither. We all sin. People can sin and not care what God thinks. God's patience will run out. 
But God loves us no matter what. He sent his only Son to die for us according to Romans 5. Because of Jesus, all sin was paid in full. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing 

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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