Sunday, January 22, 2023

Hosea and Gomer page 1

 Hosea and Gomer page 1 by ric gustafson

Gomer was handed a fig by one of the servant girls.
" Thank you Jarah". She began to eat it.
" Don't let Tamir see you eat that".
Gomer nodded her head in agreement. She was usually in the kitchen trying to avoid the owner of the brothel. Gomer was Tamir's most lucrative harlot.
Merau walked in. She was the brothel's midwife,
" Why do I have to go to the sacrifice?".
She grinned. " Because you represent Tamir's house better than anyone".
Gomer shook her head. " Is that the only reason?".
" She plans to teach you how to run this brothel".
" She will". The old woman stroked her hair. " She likes you".
Then Gomer began to have thoughts of Bethel. Her only friend was Hosea. He was ten and she was six. He was her one friend and protector.

research help: ' Love in a Broken Vessel' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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