Sunday, January 29, 2023

Jesus: a revolution in humanity

 Jesus: a revolution in humanity by ric gustafson

One day, Jesus went to a dinner party. It was a Sabbath. A man with edema was there also. Jesus asked if it was permissible to heal this man on the Sabbath. He got no answer so he healed him. Jesus asked what was the worth of a human being?.  We are obsessed with worth.
God notices sparrows. God notices the hairs on our head. To God, his people matter to him more than anything else. Jesus told them a story about a feast in the Kingdom of God. Christians do not have a corner on compassion. But the truth is God and Jesus love everybody. No matter who they are and their life stories. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit love us more than anything else.

research help: ' Who Is This Man?' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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