Monday, January 16, 2023

oz dialogue 3

 oz dialogue 3 by ric gustafson

Hickory: Well Dorothy was walking along the 
Auntie Em: I saw you tinkering with that contraption Hickory now you and Hunk get back to that wagon.
Hickory: All right Mrs Gale but some day they're going to erect a statue to me in this town
Auntie Em: Well don't start posing for it now here can't work on an empty stomach have some crullers
Hunk: Gosh Mrs Gale
Auntie Em: Just fried
Hickory: Thanks
Zeke: You see Dorothy toppled into the 
Auntie Em: It's no place for Dorothy about a pig sty now you go feed those hogs before they worry themselves into anemia.
Zeke: Yes Ma'ma
Dorothy: Auntie Em, really do you know what Miss Gulch was going to do to Toto?
Auntie Em: Now Dorothy dear stop imagining things you always get yourself into a fret over nothing
Dorothy: Well
Auntie Em: Now you just help us out today and find yourself a place where you won't get into any trouble

research help: Wizard of Oz trading cards

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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