Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Jesus: the man who won't go away

Jesus: the man who won't go away by ric gustafson

After Jesus was killed, many thought that would be the end of that carpenter. The truth is that Jesus's impact on history is unparalleled. People ask " who was this man?". Jesus did not loudly defend his movement. He was not a rising political or military leader. After two thousand years, Jesus is more popular than ever.
From complete obscurity, Jesus came into the public's attention in the blink of an eye. Jesus is the dividing line of history, Jesus is the dominant figure of Western Culture. Jesus never married. Jesus never wrote a book. Jesus never held an office or led an army. Jesus proclaimed that his kingdom was not from this world. 
When Jesus began to teach, people were amazed, astonished, delighted and sometimes infuriated. But people listened and still listen to him today. Has Jesus ever gone away. The answer is no way. He always has and will always love us more than anything else. 

research help: ' Who is this man?' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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