Saturday, October 30, 2021

No Time prelude

 No Time prelude by ric gustafson

Bryson Mitchell pulled the Ford Fusion into the empty stall. He was in a hurry. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving and he needed to buy a few groceries. He wanted to bring something for the turkey dinner his family had every year. He glanced at his watch. 
" Oh no!". The time had not changed. " Now what!". The watch was special to him. He shook the watch.
" This was a birthday present".
He pondered what to do. He could get his groceries and worry about the watch later. Or, he smiled. He took out his cell phone. On Chrome, he looked up local watch repair shops.
He smiled again. There was one open not far from where he was.
He sneered at the non working watch.
" Stupid watch".
He backed out of the stall. He turned onto Advocate Road.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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