Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Job: Job 2 and 3

 Job: Job 2 and 3 by ric gustafson

In Job 2. Job is a blameless believer who suffers horrible loss. His health is destroyed, his children are killed and his possessions ruined. Job suffers physical, mental, social and spiritual loss. And yet through all this, Job shows faith.
Job is terribly alone. Job is alone in his grief. His wife appears for an argument. Three friends come to see Job. The friends are silent, they have nothing to say. Job is suffering. Job can only look back. 
In Job 3, he curses the night of his conception. Job is obsessed with death. Even in his darkness, Job cannot avoid God. Job knows he has to deal with God. In Job 3, God is always with Job. At the end of Job 3, Job still feels terribly alone. 

research help: ' Trusting God in the darkness' by Christopher Ash

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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