Friday, October 1, 2021

102 minutes page 1

 102 minutes page 1 by ric gustafson

At 8:46 am, Dianne DeFontes felt what she thought was a bomb going off. The impact knocked her off her chair. Also on the 89th floor, Walter Pilipiak was hurled into a wall. Also on the 89th floor, Rob Sibarium felt the explosion.
Alan Reiss, the former director of the world trade department, didn't feel a thing. He was alarmed when someone told him that people were running around the mall terrified. Reiss had survived the 1993 bomb attack in the basement of the World Trade Center.
On the 61st floor of the North Tower, Ezra Aviles saw the plane approach the Tower. It flew into the North Tower causing immediate damage to floor 93 and 98. Aviles worked for the Port Authority. He called his superiors and told them what he had just seen.
American Airlines flight 11 had just flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 450 miles an hour. Energy from the explosion rocketed down the skeleton of the already wounded tower.

research help: ' 102 minutes' by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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