Thursday, October 28, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 25

 through the eyes of a child page 25 by ric gustafson

Charles stopped the SUV at a log cabin that had ' Office' on the front sign. " I'll go in and talk to them". He got out and walked up a gravel sidewalk. He opened a squeaky wooden door. He walked inside. At a wooden counter was a young man.
He looked up. " May I help you?". His name tag said ' Mike'.
" You sure can Mike". Charles smiled. " I can't remember which cabin my friend rented".
He pulled out from underneath the counter a burgundy register. " What's your friend's name?".
" Maurice Buckley".
Mike studied the register. " I don't see a Maurice Buckley registered here".
A young man walked in and emptied the trash.
Charles gave him a sad stare. " Are you sure?".
The young man put a liner in the trash can. " Who are you looking for?".
Charles smiled. " A Maurice Buckley".
The young man grinned. " I know him".
Mike gave him a puzzled expression. " You do?".
" On your day off". He smiled. " He came in and rented Cabin 4".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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