Saturday, October 23, 2021

Job: Job 28

 Job: Job 28 by ric gustafson

Job 19 to 28, Job is feeling pain and debating with his friends. In Job 28, he takes a tranquil contemplative pause for thought. Job is searching for wisdom. Job asks why?. He cannot find this out. Wisdom is priceless and yet unobtainable at the same time. So far in the story of Job there has been terrible human tension. Now Job wants to know why?. 
In Job 28:28, God speaks since the start of the book. He directs us away from agonized questions and to himself. God knows the answers but has not revealed them. It is easy to ask questions and ask why me?. God wants us to humbly worship him and turn from evil. God wants us to be his followers.
God loves us more than anything else. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Trusting God in the darkness' by Christopher Ash

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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