Thursday, October 28, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 24

 through the eyes of a child page 24 by ric gustafson

Maurice angrily tossed his cell phone into the wicker chair. " He knows it's me".
" Of course he knows". Kelly grinned at her kidnapper. " He's a smart man".
He picked up his rifle. " I would disagree with that statement".
" He could help you".
" I don't need help from him". He pointed the rifle at Kelly. " Or from you either".
" I'm sure he would help you".
" Don't push me". He gave her a sneer. " Or you'll be sorry".
Kelly could tell he was serious. " Sorry".
He lowered the rifle. " We'll have beef stew again for supper".
She grinned. " Again".
" After we eat, we're going to be moving out".
She gave him a surprised look. " Where to?".
" Someplace close".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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