Monday, October 25, 2021

Job: Job 38-42

 Job: Job 38-42 by ric gustafson

Job is a real believer. He fears God and turns away from evil. He asks why are all these things happening to him. Job wants to speak to God. The Lord replied to Job. He says are you God. He says look at everything around you. In Job 40, he is awed by the presence of the Creator. Job asks why do I suffer?. He says that he does not deserve it. Then Job admits that the Lord is God. Job realizes that this is a world full of sin. He realizes that he has to live in a world of suffering and death. This is a world of sorrow and pain. 
Job is told that the Lord is more powerful than Satan. Job 42 is the end of the story. Job's patience and perseverance is rewarded. 
Job learns of the Lord's compassion and mercy. There is blessing in the end.

The End

research help: ' Trusting God in the darkness' by Christopher Ash

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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