Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Job: Job 4-27

 Job: Job 4-27 by ric gustafson

Job's three friends are not impressed with him. In Job 8, his friend Bildad is not happy with him. In Job 15, his friend Eliphaz is not happy with him. In Job 11, his friend Zophar is not happy with him. Job is not happy with his friends either. God is not impressed with Job's friends. Job gets very angry at his friends. The truth is God is in control and is fair and just. His friends appeal to Job to repent. 
Job's friends live in the present. Job's friends miss the heart of the universe.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Trusting God in the darkness' by Christopher Ash

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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