Monday, October 11, 2021

through the eyes of a child page 21

 through the eyes of a child page 21 by ric gustafson

Charles walked out of the gas station. He got back into the SUV. He opened up a map. After a while, he folded it. He drove onto Highway 4. He headed north.
Katie frowned. " Are we heading for the cabins on that business card?".
" Yes".
She stared at her husband. " Is our baby being held there?".
" Possibly". His SUV phone rang. " This is Charles Brown".
A muffled voice spoke. " Do you have my money yet?".
" I'm still working on it". He stared at Katie. " You're asking for a lot of money".
" You have 24 hours".
" I want to hear my daughter's voice". She looked at Charles. " Or you won't get a dime".
" Daddy".
They smiled. It was their daughter.
" Hi pumpkin".
" Remember that funnel cake we had at the fair".
" Of course".
" I still remember it".
" Me too".
" Alright that's enough chit chat". The voice got sterner. " You have 24 hours".
The phone went dead.
Charles knew what he had to do.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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