Sunday, October 6, 2013

Why? trusting God's goodness

Why? trusting God's goodness by ric gustafson

As God's people, we need to realize that God's ways are not our ways. God's thoughts are not our thoughts. Satan tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God's goodness. He said ' did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?". Eve made the mistake of denying God's goodness. When we cry out to God and he is silent, this is Satan's best time to tell us that God does not care.
The truth is that God cares for us more than anything else. God is good and his silence is not denial. God uses silence so our faith in him will deepen and that our faith is stretched.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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