Monday, October 14, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 12

through the eyes of a child revision page 12 by ric gustafson

Detective Springer quietly walked up to the park bench as young people biked past him. He sat down on the wooden bench and pulled out his notebook. He looked around and began to write down some observations. As he sipped from a Starbucks plastic cup, he observed the open area around him. He could tell that this spot was half way around the park and it was the only wide open area. He knew from handling lots of kidnapping cases, that this spot would be the most logical place for something to happen to Kelly.
He sipped the last of his coffee and threw the cup into the nearby trash can. He began to stare at the curb in front of him and knew that if she was kidnapped, this would be the spot to do it. As he started walking back, the wind picked up and trash began to swirl around the bench.

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