Saturday, October 12, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 10

through the eyes of a child revision page 10 by ric gustafson

Jessica blew her nose as Charles handed her another tissue. " Thank you" she replied as she dabbed her eyes.
Detective Mark Springer opened a small black notebook and looked around the small dorm room. " What time did Kelly leave the room to go jogging?".
" About 8:00 am".  She kept dabbing her eyes. " After her jog, she was planning on taking a shower and then driving home".
Charles noticed the two small burgundy suitcases near the front door. " She was already packed".
" Yes, she was excited to come home and spend the summer with the two of you".
Detective Springer walked over to the window and stared toward the park across the street. " Jessica, was Kelly familiar with the park as far as where to go jogging?".
" Of course, she went jogging there a lot after classes were over".
" Do you remember what Kelly was wearing when she went on her jog?".
She thought for a moment. " I believe it was a yellow and white jogging outfit and she was wearing a baseball cap".
Katie dabbed her eyes. " Jessica, is there anybody you know of who would want to hurt our baby?".
" No, everybody liked her".
Detective Springer looked up from his notebook. " Any boyfriends?".
" No". She took a tissue and blew her nose. " If there was, she would have told me".
" That's all the questions I have right now". The Detective closed his notebook and stood up. " I'm going over to the park to look around".

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