Friday, October 25, 2013

Line 1 2013 page 8

Line 1 2013 page 8 by ric gustafson

Jesse noticed that no one else was calling. " Can you tell our listening audience about how you felt as far as who Jesus picked for his disciples?".
The voice cleared his throat. " " I watched him for three years with great interest as he went through Galilee and Judea".
Jesse fingered his bible. " What was your impression of the twelve men that he picked?".
" I was surprised that he had picked twelve pathetic human males as his companions".
" Why were you surprised?".
" These twelve morons left their jobs and lives to follow him". The voice cackled. " I hated them from the very beginning".
" Why?".
" Some were fishermen, one was a tax collector and another was a Zealot".
" He picked ordinary men to be his disciples".
" I could not understand how this group of twelve morons could become his inner circle".
Jesse sipped from his coffee cup. " So what did you do?".
" I began to study this group of twelve very carefully".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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