Friday, October 25, 2013

what's behind Door number 2: prelude

what's behind Door number 2: prelude by ric gustafson

Russell Oldeborg walked into the cold conference room followed by his announcer.
" Why do they want to see us Russell?".
" I don't know Reginald" he said as he opened the door. " I guess we'll find out".
They walked into the room and noticed several studio executives.
" Come in you guys" Robert Bridge said as he pointed at two empty chairs. " Please have a seat".
" Robert, why did you ask for us?".
The studio manager handed Russell a piece of paper. " Russell, the studio is concerned about your drop in the ratings".
" Robert, we are number one in our time slot".
" But not in the most important category".
" What category is that Robert?".
" The 20 to 30 category".
" Is that because of the profit this studio gets from that age group?".
" Yes, your show needs to grab that age category or we will have to make changes".
" What do you mean changes?".
" Russell, if things do not improve considerably with the show, we may be forced to find a new host and announcer".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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