Thursday, October 17, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 14

through the eyes of a child revision page 14 by ric gustafson

" She loved jogging and walking along this trail" Jessica said as she, Charles and Katie walked along the wooded trail.
" Why is the park so popular?".
" Students use this trail all the time especially during the summer when school is out".
" Would Kelly just use this trail?" Katie asked as joggers went by.
" Yes, this is the only trail around this park".
After walking for a while, they came up to an open area. They sat down on a park bench that faced the street.
" Is this the only open area in the park?".
" Yes, Kelly liked to stop at this bench to rest".
They got up to resume their walk.
A tear came to Katie's eye. " Jessica, do you know of anybody who would want to harm our baby?".
" Mr and Mrs Brown, honestly I can't think of anybody".
As they resumed their walk, Charles noticed a small business card that was showing underneath the trash can. He picked it up and quickly glanced at it. He shrugged and put it into his back pant pocket.

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