Tuesday, October 8, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 8

through the eyes of a child revision page 8 by ric gustafson

He put the steel cart up to the edge of the grey checkout belt. He started fishing through his shirt pockets. " Where is that thing?".
" Hi, how are you?" the young cashier said as he began to scan the items he had put on the belt.
A frustrated look came to his face as he kept searching his shirt pocket.
The sacker smiled at him. " Paper or plastic?".
He gave up looking. " Paper".
" Your total's going to be $ 120.50".
He frowned at the cashier. He opened his wallet and handed the young man $120 in cash and two quarters. " I seem to have lost the directions to a cabin I was looking for". He stared at the young man. " I'm looking for Big Springs Cabins".
" Yes, I know where it is" he said as another customer began to put their items on the belt. " It is just ten miles up North Highway 4".
" Thank you".
The young sacker began to wheel the steel cart out the double doors toward the white van.

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