Tuesday, October 15, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 13

through the eyes of a child revision page 13 by ric gustafson

Kelly listened as the van turned off the main road. Kelly heard the sound of gravel. She wasn't sure how long it had been since the gas station. Her mouth was sore from the masking tape and she was really thirsty.
After a while, the van stopped. Kelly watched in horror as the back door of the van opened. For the first time, she stared at the man who kidnapped her.
A short pudgy man who wore heavy glasses reached out to her. " If you promise not to scream, I will take the tape off". He gave her a stern look. " Promise".
Kelly nodded yes.
He slowly took the tape off of her mouth.
" I'm really thirsty".
He opened a small black bag and took out a thermos. He poured some of it into a cup and handed it to her. " Drink this".
She began to worry as she lifted the cup to her mouth. She was so thirsty at this point she did not care. She drank the entire cup.
After a few moments, she felt woozy and could not think or see straight.
" Lord, please protect me". Her eyes closed.

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