Wednesday, October 9, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 9

through the eyes of a child revision page 9 by ric gustafson

Charles turned into the two car long driveway. He got out of the dark colored Tahoe and walked up the five concrete steps toward the front door. They had lived in this two story house for over twenty years since right before Kelly was born. He opened the door to reveal a small dopey eared beagle saunter over.
" Tobey" he said as he knelt down and petted the happy dog. The dog licked Charles's face and then quietly left. He walked into the large modern looking kitchen and put his car keys on the counter.
Katie Brown ran into the room and embraced her husband. " Charles, what's happened to our baby?".
" I don't know". Tears began to form in his eyes. " A Detective Springer from the Missing Person's Unit called saying that he had talked to Jessica".
" Kelly's roommate".
" Yes, she reported that Kelly had gone jogging at a nearby park yesterday morning and never came back".
" Never came back". Tears began to fall down her face. " Our baby would never do that".
" I know". He quickly glanced at the small pile of mail on the kitchen table. " The Detective would like us to come down to her dorm room and we can talk to Jessica together".
" Ok".

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