Monday, October 7, 2013

the roof crashers 2013 page 2

the roof crashers 2013 page 2 by ric gustafson

Their friend woke up and yawned.
Celo walked over to his corner of the mat.
" What are you doing Celo?".
" We are going to take you to a nearby house where a Rabbi Jesus is teaching". He smiled at his friend. " We think he can help you".
" How can he help me?".
Mag walked over to his corner of the colorful mat. " We have heard that he can heal people".
" We better get going".
Keli and Mikno walked over to their corners of the mat and then all four lifted up their friend. They quietly left the house and began to walk.
A short time later, they came up to a house where a large crowd had gathered.
" Mag, can you go see if we can get our friend in to see the Rabbi?".
They slowly put their friend down and then rested against a tree.
Mag came back shaking his head. " There is no room inside or outside to bring our friend in".
" At least we tried" Celo replied as he gave the others a frustrated look. " Let's go back".
Mikno began to study the house. " There is one possibility".
" What is that Mikno?".
" We could make a hole and lower him through the roof".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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